Does Instagram Lock You Out For The Wrong Password?

Imagine you are all set to dive into your IG feed, but you realize you’ve forgotten your password. You might try different combinations, hoping one of them will work. Before you know it, you’ve been locked out of your account. 

So, even while dealing with it, many users want to grow their IG accounts. Thus, they often buy Instagram followers to increase their online presence, even if their account is locked.

However, you need not worry about your locked accounts! Many users experience this when they can’t remember their password and lock their profiles. Thus, in this blog, we’ll help you answer the following questions 

  • Why Instagram might lock you out for putting the wrong password? 
  • What to do if it happens? 
  • How to ensure IG locks don’t become a recurring problem?

 Let’s start!

Why Does Instagram Lock You Out for Wrong Passwords?

Instagram locks you out of your account to protect you from unauthorized access or repeatedly put the wrong password to log in. This security measure helps safeguard your personal information and ensures that only you can access your account. Here’s why Instagram takes this step:

1. Security Reasons

Instagram locks you out for entering the wrong password to protect your account. This security measure ensures that if someone tries to guess your password, they won’t gain access quickly. By locking you out after several failed attempts, IG keeps your personal info safe and secure from unauthorized users.

2. Protecting Users Data

When you enter the wrong password many times, Instagram locks your account to protect your data. This prevents potential hackers from accessing your photos, messages, and personal details. IG’s priority is to ensure that only you access your account, keeping your information private and secure.

3. Account Recovery And Verification

When Instagram locks you out, it triggers a process to verify your identity. This step ensures that only you, the legitimate account owner, can regain access. However, you need to verify your identity through a verification code sent to your email or phone to access your account.

4. Different IP Addresses or Using a VPN

Using a different IP address or a VPN can trigger Instagram’s security measures, resulting in a lockout. This happens because accessing your account from unfamiliar locations may seem suspicious. IG locks you out to verify it is you and not someone else trying to hack your account from another place.

5. Breaking Community Guidelines

Instagram may lock you out if it suspects you of breaking community guidelines, violating rules, posting inappropriate content or engaging in harmful activities, you could be locked out. This action ensures that Instagram remains a safe and respectful platform for all users.

6. Spammy Behavior

Engaging in spammy behavior, like following or unfollowing many accounts rapidly, can lead to a lockout. Instagram monitors such actions to prevent spam and maintain a quality user experience. By locking you out, Instagram ensures the platform isn’t overrun with spam accounts and unwanted content.

7. Suspicious Activity Detection

Instagram locks you out if it detects suspicious activity on your account. This could include unusual login attempts, changes in account information, or strange interactions. By restricting your access, Instagram takes proactive steps to safeguard your account and investigate any potential security threats.

8. Preventing Automated Attacks

To prevent automated attacks, Instagram locks you out after multiple incorrect password attempts. Bots and malicious software often try to gain access by guessing passwords. By blocking access to stop any automated attacks, Instagram ensures that your account remains secure from non-human threats.

9. Limiting Damage From Phishing Attacks

Instagram locks you out to limit the damage from phishing attacks. If someone tries to trick you into giving up your password and fails multiple times, the lockout prevents further attempts. This helps protect your account from being compromised through deceptive tactics used by hackers.

What to Do If You Get Locked Out of Your Instagram?

Here are a few actions you should adopt to recover your IG account’s  access and prevent it from being locked:

1. Wait it Out

Sometimes, Instagram temporarily locks accounts due to suspicious activity to protect them from potential threats. In such cases, the lockout is usually temporary and may resolve within a few hours. If you suspect this is the reason, you can wait patiently and try logging in again later. 

2. Reset Your Password

You can simply open the IG app or website, select “Forgot password?” or “Trouble logging in?” and enter your email, username, or phone number. After that, you must follow the instructions sent to your email or phone to create a new, strong password and log back in.

3. Check Your Email for Security Alerts

Instagram sends security alerts to your email if there’s suspicious activity on your account. If Instagram detects any suspicious activity on your account, you will receive a notification. Carefully review these emails and follow the instructions to secure your account and regain access.

4. Verify Your Identity

Instagram might prompt you to verify your identity to ensure you are the rightful owner. This may involve entering a security code sent to your email or phone or answering security questions. Completing this process will help you regain access to your account.

5. Recover Your Account via Facebook

If your Instagram account is linked to Facebook, use it to recover your account. Select “Log in with Facebook” on the Instagram login page, enter your credentials, and follow any additional instructions. This can help you regain access if you’re struggling with your Instagram password.

6. Contact Instagram Support

If you still can’t access your account, contact Instagram support through their Help Center. Search for relevant topics like “account access” or “password reset” and follow the guidance provided. You can also directly contact support, provide the information, and wait for their response to resolve your issue.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, we’ve explored why Instagram locks you out for entering the wrong password and what you can do if you find yourself locked out of your account. We have covered the reasons behind the lockout, from safeguarding your personal data to preventing automated attacks. 

By following the outlined steps—waiting it out, resetting your password, checking for security alerts, or contacting Instagram support—you can quickly resolve access issues and get back to managing your social media presence. 

So, stay proactive about your account security, and follow the best practices to keep your Instagram experience secure and hassle-free. 

Apart from this, you can also buy growth services from reputable platforms like to grow your account. 

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